Shrewsbury Friends Meeting has no pastor or program. We meet together in quiet worship to experience God directly. The silence is both an expression of our faith and a way of helping us to come into the presence of God. Scripture says, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) We believe that in the silence we can experience God. This silent communion is the heart of our time together.
We are an unprogrammed meeting, which means that there is no set order of service. We wait in expectant silence; vocal messages are given as members and attenders are moved. Children attend for only the first fifteen to twenty minutes at which point they proceed to First Day School. Meeting for Worship lasts about one hour, and is concluded with the shaking of hands with those sitting nearby, followed by announcements of upcoming events. Also at this time, we introduce ourselves when visitors attend. Following Meeting for Worship there is an opportunity for fellowship.