Our Meeting

We are an unprogrammed meeting, which means that there is no set order of service. We wait in expectant silence; vocal messages are given as members and attenders are moved. Children attend for only the first fifteen to twenty minutes at which point they proceed to First Day School. Meeting for Worship lasts about one hour, and is concluded with the shaking of hands with those sitting nearby, followed by announcements of upcoming events. Also at this time, we introduce ourselves when visitors attend. Following Meeting for Worship there is an opportunity for fellowship. There is always coffee and tea and good conversation.

Prior to Meeting for Worship there is an adult discussion group which meets at 9:15 a.m. All are welcome to attend. We discuss variety of subjects of a religious nature, as well as topics of interest to individual members, who may lead the discussion that morning.

Following Meeting for Worship and a brief time of fellowship and weather permitting, Friends here hold a silent witness for peace that lasts approximately a half hour. Additionally, there are different activities held throughout the month. Our monthly newsletter, Shrewsbury Concerns, contains details.

On the fourth Sunday, we have "Pot Luck". This is a time for fellowship and food. Everyone, especially new attenders, are encouraged to stay for the hour that we will be together after Meeting for Worship. To receive telephone notification, please leave your phone number with the Clerk or another Friend.

We have not described all of our activities and events, but we want you to have a general overview if you are new to this Meeting. We invite you to participate in any activity to which you find yourself led. We believe that the Inward Light leads you on your spiritual quest and journey. We hope you will ask questions. Any Member or regular attender will be happy to help you.

There are a number of pamphlets that you are welcome to take with you and read. These pamphlets are free but if you wish to make a donation to replenish them there is a box available for that purpose. Please see our Treasurer with any questions regarding financial contributions.

Shrewsbury Monthly Meeting is part of the Shrewsbury-Plainfield Half Yearly Meeting and in turn, part of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Through New York Yearly Meeting, we are also members of both Friends United Meeting, Friends General Conference, and Friends World Committee for Consultation. See www.quaker.org for more links.